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Deleted Users and Groups Can Now Be Re-Added to Stax

Stax Team

Stax's user and group APIs have been updated to enable more comprehensive management and recreation of deleted resources.

Previously when a user was deleted from Stax, the email address was unable to be reused to invite a new user and a suport case was required. Users can now be invited with the same email address as a previously deleted user.

Additionally, once a user is deactivated in Stax, they can now be deleted from the Stax console. Previously, deletion was only supported in the API and SDK. This option is available by clicking the vertical ellipsis (⋮) next to the deactivated user's details.

Previously when a group was deleted from Stax, the group name was unable to be reused to create a new group with the same name. Any groups deleted from 13 October 2021 onwards can have their name reused for creation of new groups. For any groups deleted prior to this date, raise a support case to have the change applied to it retroactively.