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Acceptable Use Policy

Updated July 2021

This Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") is a description of the types of activities that are not permitted in connection with your use of the Stax Services. Violation of this AUP may result in the suspension or termination of your access to the Stax Services in accordance with the Stax Terms of Service ("Terms").

1. Prohibited Conduct.

When using the Stax Services you agree not to (and agree to ensure that your users similarly do not):

Use the Stax Services for any purpose that in our sole discretion is unlawful, harmful including without limitation, storing or transferring any material which is illegal, harmful, offensive, or fraudulent;

Use the Stax Services in any manner that in our sole discretion could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Stax Services;

Attempt to gain unauthorized access to a network, computer, software application, or any part thereof, modify the Stax Services in any manner or form, or use modified versions of the Stax Services including without limitation for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to the Stax Services; Collect user information (including financial or health information) without the owners' authorization;

Misrepresent the source, identity, or content of information transmitted via the Stax Services, including by forging TCP-IP packet headers or e-mail headers; Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Stax Services;

Re-sell or otherwise provide access to the Service to third parties other than consultants and independent contractors performing services on your behalf; or otherwise use the Stax Services for any purpose other than your own internal personal or business use;

Remove, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Stax Services, features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content accessible through the Stax Services, or features that enforce limitations on use of the Stax Services. Promote, encourage, or induce any third party to do any of the foregoing.

2. Prohibited Content.

We prohibit content on the Stax Services which appears to us, in our sole discretion, to be offensive, unlawful, or a violation of our Terms. This includes, but is not limited to, the storing or transmitting of any content or links to any content which we believe to be:

  • Excessively violent, inciting violence or threatening violence;
  • Child pornography or non-consensual sexual acts;
  • Harmful, defamatory, libelous, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another's privacy or right of publicity, hateful or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
  • Promoting or soliciting illegal activities under any applicable laws;
  • Unfair or deceptive under consumer protection laws under any jurisdiction;
  • Exposing trade secrets, infringing copyrights, trademarks, patents or other intellectual property rights of any third party, or assisting others in doing so;
  • A violation of export control laws or relating to illegal gambling or arms trafficking;
  • Promoting the use, sale or distribution of illegal drugs; or creating a risk to safety, health or national security.

3. Unsolicited Bulk Email and Content.

You must not use the Stax Services for the sending or posting of unsolicited commercial messages. This includes without limitation, using the Stax Services to send unsolicited bulk/commercial email (spam), and the excessive posting on web forums, news groups, chat services, or any other online website or service.

4. Right To Monitor.

We may, without notice to you:

Intercept, block, or remove any content or traffic that we believe violates our terms and conditions, this AUP, or applicable laws; and

Report to the appropriate authorities any conduct by you that we believe violates applicable laws, which may include disclosure of your relevant customer data, personal data, or usage history on the Stax Services.

5. AWS Usage.

We expect that the customer will exhibit AWS usage behaviour that aligns with industry standards. In circumstances where this does not occur, Stax reserves the right to increase a customer’s plan. We expect that customer's will generate AWS Cost & Usage Reports within the below limits: Starter Plan: 10gb Professional Plan: 20gb Business Critical Plan: 40gb

6. Enforcement Of Terms.

We reserve the right to remove, disable, or modify any content that we determine in our sole discretion violates this AUP; and

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the account of any user we believe to be in violation of this AUP.