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Fetch All Tasks by Status and 30 Day Task Expiry

Stax Team

Stax API endpoint Fetch All Tasks by Status has been deprecated and will be removed from stax-au1, stax-us1 and stax-eu1 on Sunday 14th August at 0200 UTC (Monday 15th August at 1200 AEST).

In addition, a change is being made to the API endpoint Fetch Status of task in stax-au1, stax-us1 and stax-eu1 such that any tasks created on or after Sunday 14th August at 0200 UTC (Monday 15th August at 1200 AEST) will have a 30 day expiry. Any tasks older than 30 days will be removed from the system, responding with a 404 NOT FOUND status.

These changes are being made to improve the way Stax manages tasks.

If you have any concerns, please raise a support case.