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Prevent conflicting account states with resource locking

Stax Team

On 5 February 2023 at 0030 UTC (Sunday, 5 February 1130 AEDT), Stax will introduce resource locking for all account operations. Instead of allowing multiple simultaneous operations on a single account and potentially causing conflict, Stax will return a 409 Conflictresponse. Read more

Tasks API change reverted to remove CREATED status

Stax Team

On December 20, 2022 a new OperationStatus, CREATED, was added to the Tasks API and announced on the changelog.

Due to unanticipated compatibility challenges, this change has now been reverted. While the change may be reintroduced in future, any release will be accompanied by a reasonable notice period to help customers to prepare for the change.

The following OperationStatus values have also been removed to simplify usage, as they are not currently available through the API:




Review the developer documentation for up-to-date details of the Stax API.

CIS Benchmark version Rule Bundle update for unused credentials

Stax Team

A fix has been released to Rule CIS 1.12 - Ensure access keys are rotated every 90/45 days or less to remediate an issue resulting in access keys being incorrectly evaluated as failing. This issue only affected the evaluation of credentials for IAM user with multiple access keys.

If you have any questions, please raise a support case.

Improved search on the Accounts page

Stax Team

The Accounts page in the Stax console now allows you to search for all accounts across your Stax tenancy. In addition to this change, performance improvements have been made to decrease page load time on the Accounts page. See the documentation on how to view accounts in the console.

CIS Benchmark Rule update for Network ACL ingress allowed from all hosts

Stax Team

An update has been released for Rule *CIS 5.1 - Ensure no Network ACLs allow ingress from to remote server administration ports.*This rule will now flag a Network ACL (NACL) as failing when any of the following conditions are met:

  • There is a NACL rule allowing TCP traffic on SSH (port 22) to all hosts (

  • There is a NACL rule allowing TCP traffic on RDP (port 3389) to all hosts (

  • There is a NACL rule allowing all traffic on all ports to all hosts (Note: This will often be the case as this is also the default settings.)

Before the update, this rule evaluated that a NACL rule allowed TCP traffic on both an SSH and RDS port to all hosts. This change will impact customers with CIS Benchmark version 1.3.0 or 1.4.0 Rule Bundle enabled. Customers should expect a change in the compliance score of this rule.