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Stax Networking ECR VPC Endpoint Fix

Stax Team

A bug has been resolved that prevented the deployment of Fargate containers into a private subnet within a Stax Networks VPC. When trying to deploy a container, you may have received an error message similar to the following:

CannotPullContainerError: failed to resolve ref "": failed to do request: Head dial tcp: lookup 751463547...

This error was caused by the absence of a specific DNS record for the ECR VPC Interface endpoint.

To resolve this issue, when the ECR Interface endpoint is enabled in a Networking Hub, a new Route 53 resource record will be created for *.dkr.ecr.<region> This resource record will permit images to be pulled from ECR for use within Fargate.

If you have existing Networking Hubs in place, you must disable and enable the ECR Interface endpoint to create the new Route 53 resource record.

API Tokens released out of Preview

Stax Team

API Tokens are security credentials that can be used to authenticate to the Stax API via the Stax SDK for Python. They have been accessible via Preview mode in the Console, whilst we have expanded and improved upon the functionality. We have released API Tokens out of Preview and the feature is now available for general use.

To access API Tokens, click the Customer Menu in the left-hand nav, then choose API Tokens from the drop-down menu.

For more information, see:

Frequently Used Views and Segments

Stax Team

Stax has updated the Global Filters drop-down to include data that you are needing access to every day or every week. With this change, you will be able to quickly scan through the list of Views and Segments that you use the most and quickly change between them. By adding this functionality, we've removed a few unnecessary clicks each and every time you want to change the data that you are looking at.

Workload API - Addtional Validation

Stax Team

Stax has made changes to improve the speed of Workloads development and deployment.

Validation of the Workload Manifest and AWS CloudFormation templates for the Create Workload Catalogue Item and Update Workload Catalogue Item APIs has been modified.

Previously, these APIs processed this validation asynchronously. This necessitated users to check either the Task results or the Status of the item to determine if the action was successful.

This validation will, instead, now occur synchronously. Any issues with validation will return a HTTP Status 400 and an appropriate error detailing the issue.

Changelog RSS and Atom Feed

Stax Team

If a changelog is published in the forest, and nobody sees it, did it really happen?

We want you to know about great new Stax features as soon as they're available. Stax has today introduced an RSS/Atom feed for changelog entries, so you can subscribe to receive them in whichever fashion suits your needs best.

You can subscribe to the feeds using the following URLs:

Stax Python SDK v1.0.5 released

Stax Team

Version 1.0.5 of the Python SDK has been released, bringing some improvements to the reliability of the authentication process, some usability improvements to the examples and a minor change to the metadata the SDK provides to Stax.

For more details about the Python SDK, check it out on Github

Stax Identity Service Upgrade

Stax Team

Stax has applied an update to our Identity Service to improve our platform's performance and reliability.

You will also notice a new look to our identity and authentication flows with refreshed styling and modern design. We hope you'll enjoy it!

Keep an eye out for emails from Stax as we no longer send as postmaster. We thought this might make it a bit easier to find us in your inbox.

These changes have been applied automatically by Stax during our advertised maintenance period.

Logging VPC Flow Logs to a Cloudwatch Log Group

Stax Team

When you create a VPC using [Stax Networks]((/hc/en-us/articles/4452164778383), VPC Flow Logs are stored in an S3 bucket in your logging account by default. With this new feature, Stax provides you with the capability to direct flow logs to a CloudWatch Log Group, in addition to the S3 bucket. This CloudWatch log group resides in the same account as the VPC, making it easy to access these logs when you need them.

This feature must be enabled using the Stax API, or via the Python SDK. More information on how to set it up can be found in the docs.

New Private Subnet NACL Rule for Stax VPCs

Stax Team

Stax has added a new Network Access Control List (NACL) entry for the Private Subnet in your Stax VPCs. This new NACL is configured with Rule #201 and will permit inbound UDP traffic from the ephemeral ports 1024-65535.

What does this mean for me?

Any existing rules with #201 not created by Stax will need to be removed to ensure the addition is successful. To ensure that this is applied to your Stax VPCs you will need to trigger an update of your Stax VPCs. You can trigger an update by either changing the configuration of, or modifying the tags associated with your VPC.

If you have any questions regarding this change, please raise a support case with your enquiry.

New Fetch Account Filtering Options

Stax Team

You can now retrieve AWS accounts from the Stax API based on their name with the new account_names filter. The filter allows you to provide a comma-delimited list of account names for retrieval.

For more details about the Stax API and the new account names filter, check out the Fetch Accounts route in your local API's docs.