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Authenticate to the Stax API

Stax provides two types of credentials for authenticating to the Stax API: API Tokens and Session Credentials. The credentials serve different purposes and your use case will dictate which type of credentials you will use.


The below table provides a summary of API Tokens and Session Credentials.

API TokensSession Credentials
DescriptionLong-lived credentials you can create within Stax. Created by an administrator and can be assigned any role in StaxShort-term credentials which are created as part of your Stax session. Mapped to an individual's Stax user credential and inherits their role
Use caseDesigned for machines, such as automated build pipelinesDesigned for humans, especially those who want to experiment and explore the Stax API on an ad-hoc basis
UsageAPI Tokens can only be used with the Stax SDK for PythonSession Credentials can be used with a developer tool, such as Postman. They do not work with the Stax SDK for Python
  • Name
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Role
  • Access Key
  • Secret Key
  • Access Key ID
  • Secret Access Key
  • Session Token
AccessibilityAccessed via the Customer Menu in the left-hand nav, under API TokensAccessed via the left-hand nav, under the Profile page
ValidityDoes not expire, however, regular credential rotation is recommendedExpires after 60 min