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New CloudWatch Log metric filters and alarms configured by Stax

Stax Team

Stax has enhanced the CloudWatch Log metric filters and alarms configured in Stax-managed AWS Management accounts. This update helps customers aiming to align with the latest CIS AWS Benchmark by including new CloudWatch Log metric filters and alarms for the following CIS AWS Benchmark v1.5.0 controls:

  • 4.1 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for unauthorized API calls

  • 4.15 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exists for AWS Organizations changes

Existing CIS Benchmark v1.2.0 CloudWatch Log metric filters and alarms configured by Stax remain unchanged.

AWS Cost Optimization Hub enabled for Stax-Managed AWS Organizations

Stax Team

Stax has enabled AWS Cost Optimization Hub, centralizing cost savings opportunities and recommendations for your entire organization within the Management account. Furthermore, Stax configures AWS Compute Optimizer for your tenancy, enriching your optimization findings and recommendations.

To get started, log into AWS in your Stax-managed Management account and navigate to Cost Optimization Hub within the AWS Billing and Cost Management Console.

stax2aws v1.5.0 released

Stax Team

Version 1.5.0 of stax2aws has been released. See how to upgrade stax2aws.


  • simplified the OAuth 2.0 device authorization implementation

    • support added for native OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant
    • support for custom Stax device flow authorization grant removed
  • updated dependencies and security patches

New Compliance Rule - EC2 instances should not be too old

Stax Team

Stax has released a new compliance rule called EC2 instances should not be too old, allowing customers to continuously monitor their EC2 instances’ age based on their organizations requirements. This rule helps align with best practices to ensure the regularly updating, patching and restarting of EC2 instances.

This rule evaluates whether an EC2 instance’s launch time exceeds the specified number of days (Instance Age parameter). The default Instance Age parameter is set to 60 days if no value is specified.

To add any of this new rules to your Organization Rule Bundle, head to the Rules Catalog page.

Stax Tag Compliance Rules support for additional AWS resource types

Stax Team

Stax Tag Compliance Rules now include support for additional resource types, allowing users to track the tag compliance across a wider range of AWS products and services. For a complete list of supported AWS resource types, visit our guide.

Updated Rules

  • Resource tag keys should have specified values

  • Resource tag keys should not have specified values

  • Resource should have specified tag keys

  • Resource should not have specified tag keys

New supported resources

  • dynamodb-table

  • dynamodb-backup

  • rds-cluster

  • rds-cluster-param-group

  • rds-cluster-snapshot

  • rds-param-group

  • rds-proxy

  • rds-reserved

  • sns-topic

  • sns-subscription

For more information and to get started, see Monitoring Tag Compliance.

Fetch Stax Users and Federated User(s) API Endpoints Updates

Stax Team

Stax has introduced changes to the Fetch ** Stax Users and Federated User(s) API endpoints in **stax-au1stax-eu1, and stax-us1. This change helps identify Stax users with multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled.

Update Endpoints:

-** Fetch Stax Users and Federated Users** GET /20190206/users

  • **Fetch Stax User and Federated User **GET /20190206/users/{user_id}

The endpoint's response schema (teams) now includes the MFAEnabled parameter. For more information, refer to our Stax API documentation.

Viewing a user's MFA status in the Stax Console will be released in early 2024.

Stax Workloads support for AWS opt-in Regions

Stax Team

Stax Workloads are now deployable in any region enabled within the Foundational Service Stax-managed AWS Regions. When initiating a new workload deployment through the Stax Console or SDK, you can choose from default and enabled opt-in regions, such as Melbourne (ap-southeast-4). Visit our help docs for a comprehensive list of all currently supported AWS regions.

Stax-managed AWS Regions

Stax Team

Stax now supports enabling AWS opt-in Regions for your Stax tenancy. Configuring an opt-in Region, such as Melbourne (ap-southeast-4), enables the region for all accounts within your Organization and brings them in line with security and best practices through the Stax Assurance process.

See Using Stax-managed AWS Regions for details on configuring AWS opt-in Regions.