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104 posts tagged with "Changed"


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Revised Cost & Compliance Role Permissions

Stax Team

Stax has released a new version of the Cost & Compliance module's service and billing roles, version 32. The following permissions have been added to the roles:

  • backup:GetBackupSelection

  • backup:ListBackupPlans

  • backup:ListBackupSelections

If your AWS accounts are Stax-managed, then you don't need to take any action. Stax will automatically update this role in the coming days.

If you're subscribed only to the Stax Cost & Compliance module, you will need to apply the update yourself.

For any questions about this change, or if you need assistance deploying the updated role, please raise a support case.

Changes to GET/20190206/groups API

Stax Team

As announced on 19th April 2023, the GET /20190206/groups/{group_id} route now returns a 404 HTTP status code if the group_id provided has the status of DELETED or does not exist.

Previously, the archived record would be returned for a deleted group and "Groups": [] would be returned if the group did not exist.

Changes to GET/20190206/users API

Stax Team

As announced on 6th April 2023, the following changes were made to the GET /20190206/users API route:

  1. This route no longer returns API tokens. The GET /20190206/api-tokens route should be used instead

  2. This route no longer returns DELETED users by default. The previous behavior was to return all users regardless of their status. To get a list of deleted users, you will need to explicitly request it with the status_filter query string, e.g. /users?status_filter=DELETED

  3. The GET /20190206/users/{user_id} route now returns a 404 HTTP status code if the user_id provided has the status of DELETED. Previously, this would return the archived record

Update to Rule - S3 enforces object encryption

Stax Team

The Rule*** S3 enforces object encryptionhas been renamed to *** ***Ensure all S3 buckets employ server-side encryption-at-rest, ***in the S3 Best Practices and Organization bundles. This change helps to align the rule name across different bundles making it easier for customers to search for this rule across bundles.

It's important to note that the name of the rule has not been changed in the CIS Benchmark bundle to align with the standard's specification.


AWS Organizational uplift and native OU management within Stax

Stax Team

Stax manages AWS Organizations in alignment with established best practices. As a result, Stax-managed AWS Organizations will be uplifted to adhere to the organizational structure recommended in the AWS Security Reference Architecture and the Organizing Your AWS Environment Using Multiple Accounts whitepaper. In addition to this, new functionality will be introduced to allow tenancies to better utilize Organizational Units (OUs) and service control policies (SCPs).

These changes will be released over the next 8 weeks. For a detailed outline of these changes, see the release plan here.

Stax Console Navigation Upgrade

Stax Team

The Stax console now features a redesigned navigation interface. This new interface is designed to bring the most used features of Stax to the front, so you're able to access them easily.

For a detailed breakdown of the changes, see the docs.

Changes to EBS Snapshot sharing with specific accounts check

Stax Team

On 21 March 2023, Stax will be releasing a change to the following rule to align with AWS definitions of public and private. Snapshots shared with specific AWS account IDs will no longer be marked as "public". This only affected the evaluation of public EBS snapshots, and may impact the compliance score of these rules.

Bundle NameRule
Public Exposure Bundle v1.0.0EBS Snapshots are publicly exposed

Expire non current s3 objects in Stax managed S3 Buckets

Stax Team

On 28 February 2023 at 0200 UTC (Tuesday, 28 February 1300 AEDT), Stax will update lifecycle configuration to expire non-current S3 object versions on the following S3 buckets in logging foundation account:

  • stax-config-<org-uuid>

  • stax-config-accesslogs-<org-uuid>

In each case above, the <org-uuid> placeholder is replaced by the UUID representing your Stax tenancy/AWS organization within Stax.

These S3 buckets are created and managed by Stax, and the usage of them is defined in the docs.