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Stax EC2 Wastage now uses AWS CloudWatch Agent memory utilization

Stax Team

Stax's Wastage feature has been improved to fetch AWS CloudWatch Agent EC2 memory utilization metrics when reporting on EC2 instance wastage. This metric, along with CPU utilization, is used to assess EC2 instance utilization.

Follow this guide to understand CloudWatch Agent metrics supported by Stax.

Permission Sets Update

Stax Team

An issue has been resolved where Permission Sets allowed the creation of a policy larger than that permitted by AWS. Attempted creation of invalid policies will now result in an error being returned.

Fetch All Tasks by Status and 30 Day Task Expiry

Stax Team

Stax API endpoint Fetch All Tasks by Status has been deprecated and will be removed from stax-au1, stax-us1 and stax-eu1 on Sunday 14th August at 0200 UTC (Monday 15th August at 1200 AEST).

In addition, a change is being made to the API endpoint Fetch Status of task in stax-au1, stax-us1 and stax-eu1 such that any tasks created on or after Sunday 14th August at 0200 UTC (Monday 15th August at 1200 AEST) will have a 30 day expiry. Any tasks older than 30 days will be removed from the system, responding with a 404 NOT FOUND status.

These changes are being made to improve the way Stax manages tasks.

If you have any concerns, please raise a support case.

Improvements to Stax Compliance

Stax Team

An update has been applied to Stax's Compliance module to improve performance and reliability.

The update implements stability updates to the underlying software and lays the foundation for upcoming feature releases.

No functional changes have been introduced. Should you experience any issues, please raise a support case.

Visualize your Savings Plans in Stax

Stax Team

You can now use Stax to visualize the Savings Plans purchased by your organization. The Savings Plans tab in the Cost module allows you to view a summary of all Savings Plans and visualize details about them. Read more.

This feature will be released to all Stax customers over the following weeks.

Update (July 18, 2022): This feature has been released to all Stax customers.

Dark mode removed from the Stax Console

Stax Team

Dark mode functionality has been removed from the Stax console.

For users wishing to view Stax in a dark color scheme, consider using a browser plugin such as DarkReader. Note that Stax is unable to provide support for these plugins.