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About stax2aws

stax2aws is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool to gain AWS credentials for Stax-managed AWS accounts. Using the tool, credentials can be obtained programmatically for your existing Stax identity in AWS accounts. This removes the requirement to generate long-lived IAM Users and associated secrets.


About stax2aws

stax2aws is standards-based. It is built to comply with open authentication standards such as OAuth 2.0 (RFC6749, RFC-8252, and RFC-8268).

For organizations using Single Sign-On (SSO) with Stax, stax2aws fully supports complex authentication flows, including any additional factors of authentication. By using SSO, credential sprawl can be greatly reduced.

The stax2aws user experience is familiar, it uses the same browser-based login experience that the Stax Console uses. The browser-based "passive" authentication flow means stax2aws never sees passwords, it simply receives a temporary authentication token.

Getting Started with stax2aws

To start using stax2aws, see Getting Started.

Getting Help

If you encounter issues with stax2aws, first review the troubleshooting steps. If you are unable to find a solution here, please raise a support case.