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Stax Workloads Update

Stax Team

An update has been applied to Stax Workloads to improve performance and reliability:

  • Fixed a bug where deleting workloads that were already in a deleted state would briefly block deletion of the associated workload catalogue.

These changes have been applied automatically by Stax. There is no impact to service expected as a result of this upgrade. Should you experience any issues, please raise a support case.

New Site-to-Site VPN functionality for Stax Networks

Stax Team

You can now use Stax to provision your Site-to-Site VPN resources and manage connectivity from your on-premises environment to your Stax Networks. You can deploy an AWS VPN Customer Gateway and share the connection to your Stax Hubs and VPCs, depending on your network requirements.

Stax Networks supports Virtual Private Gateway and Transit Gateway Site-to-Site VPN Connections.

With a Transit Gateway Site-to-Site VPN Connection, your VPN Customer Gateway is connected to your Networking Hub's Transit Gateway, providing connectivity to all VPCs within your Hub.

You can also connect your VPN Customer Gateway to an individual VPC's Virtual Private Gateway to provide direct connectivity.

For more information about Stax Networks and Site-to-Site VPN, check out the docs.

Stax Cost & Compliance Module Admin Role

Stax Team

Sometimes you may wish to grant a user full access to the Cost & Compliance components of Stax without also granting access to the Accounts, Networks and Workloads functionality. A new role has been introduced to permit this.

Users who have their role in Stax set to Cost & Compliance Admin can administer Cost & Compliance module features. They have read-only access to all the other components of Stax.

For more information on the roles available within Stax, see Accessing Stax.

Stax Workload Updates

Stax Team

An update has been applied to Stax Workloads to improve performance and reliability.

  • Fixed a bug where workloads deployed from a manifest without any resources could not be deleted.

These changes have been applied automatically by Stax. There is no impact to service expected as a result of this upgrade. Should you experience any issues, please raise a support case.

Improved AWS Credits Support in Stax Cost & Compliance

Stax Team

Stax is changing how credits applied to your AWS accounts are displayed on the Data page. This is to make it easier to understand where the credits are coming from.

Credits can be applied to your accounts as a result of Savings Plans, special promotional codes, or from a number of other avenues.

To see a breakdown of the source of credits in your AWS accounts, you can filter by Kind: credit and group by Payment Option Code on the Data page.

Depending on your organization's AWS consumption, there may be a slight delay to historical credit detail being visible on your Data page while the information is processed.

If you were previously viewing credits on the Data page using the Payment Option Code field, the value of credit will now be replaced with a code representing the specific credit type. You should instead check the Kind field for a value of credit.

Stax IDAM workload update

Stax Team

Version 11.0.3_1-6046414 of the IDAM workload has been created.

The IDAM workload contains the infrastructure that supports the Stax Identity Service.

The updated version of the workload includes a fix to address a possible race condition with new Stax Identity Service creations.

There is no requirement for existing IDAM workloads to be updated to this new version.

Stax Python SDK v1.1.0 released

Stax Team

Version 1.1.0 of the Python SDK has been released.

This update simplifies deployment of the SDK to AWS Lambda. It removes a dependency which, post-installation, performed compilation of native code. The aim of this release is to make it as simple as possible to develop, test, and deploy serverless automation using the Stax SDK.

For more details about the Python SDK, check it out on Github.

Stax2aws v1.2.2 released

Stax Team

Version 1.2.2 of stax2aws has been released.

This update fixes a bug where it would fail to grant access if a user had access to only a single role. It now correctly assumes the single role allowed automatically.

Stax2aws Release

Stax Team

Stax has released an officially supported Command Line Interface (CLI) for AWS access called stax2aws.

This replaces the existing command line-based access that required use of unsupported tooling.

Leveraging Open Authentication Standards and the Stax Identity Broker, Stax now provides a native client that supports the ability to initiate a request for temporary AWS credentials from the CLI without complex tooling and intimate knowledge of your company’s corporate identity setup.

Check out the guide to getting started with stax2aws.

Improvements to the Data page

Stax Team

Stax has improved the Data page's functionality. This makes it easier to access the data you need about your AWS usage, when you need it.

When you visit the Data page, you'll find a new experience which provides quick access to common queries.

In addition, the way filters are configured on the page has been improved to be both simpler and faster.

We're sure these improvements will help you access the data you need more quickly and efficiently. Should you experience any issues, please raise a support case.