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Retrieve API Tokens from Parameter Store

When you create a Stax API Token, you have the choice of storing the Access Key and Secret Key in your own credential store, or you can choose to have Stax store them for you in Parameter Store.

Before You Begin

  • You will need to access to log in to the Security account. The AWS access level required to view your credentials can be any role greater than Read Only, or an appropriately configured Permission Set.

View an API Token's Access Key and Secret Key

  1. Log in to the Stax console

  2. Select Accounts from the left-hand nav

  3. Click the Security account in the Accounts section

  4. Log in to the Security account by clicking the appropriate role in the View Account in AWS section of the Account details drawer. The role you are able to assume will depend on your access level in the Group governing access.

  5. Navigate to Systems Manager in AWS

  6. Click Parameter Store

  7. View the Parameters titled:

  • /stax/api-tokens/<token_name>/AccessKey

  • /stax/api-tokens/<token_name>/SecretKey

Access API Tokens using the Stax Python SDK or CloudFormation

The Stax Public Resources GitHub repository contains code examples on how to use the Stax Python SDK or CloudFormation to retrieve your API Token's Access Key and Secret Key from Parameter Store. To learn more about the Stax SDK, visit Stax Python SDK.

Optional: Access AWS SSM Using AWS CLI or AWS SDKs

You can also retrieve the API Token's Access Key and Secret Key from AWS SSM using the AWS CLI or AWS SDKs. Refer to the following AWS documentation for more details: