📄️ About Stax Events
Events provides a collection of real-time data that can be used to observe, monitor, and build event-driven applications based on actions that have occurred within your Stax tenancy.
📄️ Account Management Events Schema
Events emitted from Stax Events follow a defined schema. For generic guidance, see Event Schemas.
📄️ Getting Started with Stax-Generated Events
Events provides a stream of real-time events that are generated by your Stax tenancy and Stax-managed AWS accounts. Stax-generated events utilize AWS EventBridge and other AWS native services to enrich your event data, while maintaining data security and data integrity.
📄️ Security Events Schema
Events emitted from Stax Events follow a defined schema. For generic guidance, see Event Schemas.
📄️ Service Configuration Events Schema
Events emitted from Stax Events follow a defined schema. For generic guidance, see Event Schemas.
📄️ Stax-Generated Events Schema
Events generated by Stax follow a defined schema. This allows for event content to be predictable and consistent.
📄️ Webhook Event Format
Targeted Rule Alerts can deliver events to a webhook. In general, the structure of events will look like this: