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Stax-Generated Events Schema

Events generated by Stax follow a defined schema. This allows for event content to be predictable and consistent.

Review category pages to see schemas for specific events:

Top-Level Properties

All Stax events contain the following top-level properties:

versionstringAWS event version
idintegerEvent ID generated by Amazon EventBridge
detail-typestringDescribes the source and event type
sourcestringStax partner event source
accountintegerAWS account ID
timedateThe timestamp of the event
regionstringSource AWS region
detailobjectStax-specific payload. See below.

Detail Object

In addition to top-level properties, each Stax event can contain the following common properties in the detail object:

→ metaobjecttrue
→ → customerobjecttrueCustomer attributes
→ → → idstringtrueStax customer ID
→ → → namestringfalseStax customer name
→ → organizationobjecttrueOrganization attributes
→ → → idstringtrueStax organization ID
→ → → namestringfalseStax organization name
→ → → aliasstringfalseStax organization alias
→ → userobjectfalseUser attributes
→ → → idstringtrueStax user ID
→ → → usernamestringfalseStax username (Note: deprecated, will be removed in the future. See Email property)
→ → → emailstringfalseStax user email
→ → awsobjectfalseAWS attributes
→ → → accountidstringtrueAWS account ID of account where event was triggered
→ → → accountNamestringfalseAWS account name of account where event was triggered
→ → → regionstringfalseAWS region of account where event was triggered
→ staxEventVersionstringtrueStax event version
→ staxEventIDstringtrueUnique event ID
→ staxEventTimestring (date-time)trueThe timestamp of the event.
→ staxEventSourcestringtrueStax component name that publishes the event. e.g., stax.networking, stax.auth
→ staxEventTypestringtrueHigh level event type, typically mirrors Stax high-level feature name
→ staxEventNamestringtrueSpecific name of event; e.g., UserAuthenticationEvent, AccountCreated, CISNonCompliantRuleEvent