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Supported Regions

Stax aims to provide functionality in all commonly used AWS regions. Some regions are unable to be supported as they do not meet Stax's minimum requirements.

To manage AWS Regions in Stax, visit Using Stax-managed AWS Regions.

Supported AWS Default Regions

  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai) – ap-south-1

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul) – ap-northeast-2

  • Asia Pacific (Singapore) – ap-southeast-1

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney) – ap-southeast-2

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo) – ap-northeast-1

  • Canada (Central) – ca-central-1

  • Europe (Frankfurt) – eu-central-1

  • Europe (Ireland) – eu-west-1

  • Europe (London) – eu-west-2

  • Europe (Paris) – eu-west-3

  • Europe (Stockholm) – eu-north-1

  • South America (São Paulo) – sa-east-1

  • US East (N. Virginia) – us-east-1

  • US East (Ohio) – us-east-2

  • US West (N. California) – us-west-1

  • US West (Oregon) – us-west-2

Supported AWS Opt-In Regions

  • Africa (Cape Town) – af-south-1

  • Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) – ap-east-1

  • Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) – ap-south-2

  • Asia Pacific (Jakarta) – ap-southeast-3

  • Asia Pacific (Melbourne) - ap-southeast-4

  • Europe (Milan) – eu-south-1

  • Europe (Spain) – eu-south-2

  • Europe (Zurich) – eu-central-2

  • Israel (Tel Aviv) – il-central-1

  • Middle East (Bahrain) – me-south-1

  • Middle East (UAE) – me-central-1

Unsupported AWS Regions

  • Asia Pacific (Osaka) – ap-northeast-3

  • China (Beijing) – cn-north-1

  • China (Ningxia) – cn-northwest-1

  • AWS GovCloud (US-East) – us-gov-east-1

  • AWS GovCloud (US-West) – us-gov-west-2

Stax continues to assess the readiness of unsupported AWS regions based on the availability of services that are launched and supported by AWS in the region.

For any questions regarding supported regions, please contact Support or your Customer Success Manager.