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Types of Notifications

Stax allows you to configure a number of Notifications. The below table provides an overview of these alerts and their purpose.

Daily SummaryProvides an overview of your AWS usage costs for the previous day and compares this to the previous month
Weekly SummaryThe last week's cost and compliance data is compared with previous weeks
Budget AlertsGenerates alerts when you've reached 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, and 100% of your monthly budget
Cost Run Rate Spike AlertsGenerates alerts when your daily spend is higher than expected
Daily Compliance ReportProvides a daily summary of high priority rule and resource failures according to your configured filter
Monthly Compliance ReportProvides a monthly overview of your compliance and how it has tracked throughout the month
Wastage ReportProvides a monthly overview of your wastage and how it has tracked throughout the month
Real Time AlertsGenerates real-time alerts of resources failing rules (when available on your account)
Rule-level Noncompliance AlertsGenerates alerts for newly non-compliant rules according to your configured filter
Resource-level Noncompliance AlertsGenerates alerts for newly non-compliant resources according to your configured filter
New Rule ReleasesGenerates alerts when new custom rules are added