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Manage Views

Stax uses Views to display your AWS data in a way that aligns with your business needs.

When the needs of your existing Views change, instead of starting from scratch, you can easily include additional resources to expand the View's capability. Shared Infrastructure allows usage costs to be allocated to multiple segments within a View.

Before You Begin

  • Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

  • When duplicating or editing a View, it may take up to (or in some cases more than) four hours for the View's cost and compliance data to display correctly

  • Ensure you are a member of either the Admin or Cost & Compliance Admin role in your Stax tenancy

  • You should have a good understanding of your organization's tag and account structure

Modify a View

  1. Log in to the Stax Console

  2. Select Settings from the left-hand nav then click Views

  3. A list of all your organization's Views will be displayed on the Views page

  4. To edit an existing View, click the name of the View you wish to update. The Overview page will be displayed

  5. Update the configuration as appropriate

  6. In the case of a typical View, the left-hand column shows the dimension to be considered, and the right-hand column the Segment to which that dimension should be assigned

  7. In the case of a multi-dimension View, the left-hand column shows the Segment. The right-hand columns show the combination of Dimensions which, when matched, will assign a record to that Segment

Changing a View configuration is immediate, however it can take some time (depending on the amount of data to be processed) for the updated cost and compliance values to be calculated across Stax.

Searching Dimensions in Views

  1. Log in to the Stax Console

  2. Select Settings from the left-hand nav then click Views

  3. A list of all your organization's Views will be displayed on the Views page

  4. Choose the name of the View you want to explore. The Overview page will be displayed

  5. In the Search field under the View dimension, enter a keyword or phrase to quickly filter through a large list of view dimensions.

When using the Search feature within a Tag View with more than 100 tag values, Stax will search across all tag values, not just the 100 most frequent tag values displayed in the Overview page. This allows you to find and manage any tag value, even those less frequent used.

Update a Segment Allocation

  1. Log in to the Stax Console

  2. Select Settings from the left-hand nav then click Views

  3. A list of all your organization's Views will be displayed on the Views page

  4. Choose the name of the View containing the segment to be updated. The Overview page will be displayed

  5. Located the view dimension to be updated. In the case of a Tag View with more than the default 100 tag values, if updating a segment allocated a tag value not shown, use the tag dimension Search field to locate the tag value.

  6. Expand any segment drop-down list to the right of to the dimension

  7. Select the new segment from the drop-down

  8. In the case of a multi-dimension View, expand the segment or the dimension drop-down and select the new value to be applied.

Updating a segment is immediate, however it can take some time (depending on the amount of data to be processed) for the updated cost and compliance values to be calculated across Stax.

Rename a Segment

  1. Log in to the Stax Console

  2. Select Settings from the left-hand nav then click Views

  3. A list of all your organization's Views will be displayed on the Views page

  4. Choose the name of the View containing the segment to be renamed. The Overview page will be displayed

  5. Choose Manage Segments then locate the segment to be renamed. Choose the edit icon to rename it, then choose Save to apply the changes

Delete a Segment

  1. Log in to the Stax Console

  2. Select Settings from the left-hand nav then click Views

  3. A list of all your organization's Views will be displayed on the Views page

  4. Choose the name of the View containing the segment to be renamed. The Overview page will be displayed

  5. Choose Manage Segments then locate the segment to be deleted. Choose the delete icon, then choose Yes, delete to confirm the deletion

Duplicate a View

Duplicating a View will create a new View with the following settings copied:

  • Segment, dimensions, and mapped data

  • Monthly Budgets

  • Shared Infrastructure

  • Settings, including new value mapping

  1. Log in to the Stax Console

  2. Select Views from the left-hand nav


A list of all your organization's Views will be displayed on the Views page.

To duplicate an existing View, click the vertical ellipsis (⋮) located to the right of the View's name, then select Duplicate from the list


Give your View a meaningful name and click Duplicate View


Your newly created View will be shown on your organization's Views page


  • To edit the duplicated View's settings, click on the View name

  • Make the desired changes to your View's dimension and segment configuration, monthly budgets, settings and if applicable any shared infrastructure