Delete a Rule from the Organization Bundle
The Stax Organization Rules Bundle is a collection of Rules that organizations can customize and manage based on their own specific AWS environment needs. In total, there are over 200 Rules in our Catalog that you can add to your Organization Rules Bundle. Unlike other preconfigured Rule Bundles provided by Stax, Rules in the Organization Rules Bundle can be disabled as well as deleted.
This article covers the different ways to delete rules from the Organization Rules Bundle.
Before You Begin
Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes
To delete an Organization Bundle Rule within Stax, you must be a member of either the Admin or the Cost & Compliance Admin role in your Stax tenancy
Delete a Rule From the Bundles Page
Log in to the Stax Console
Navigate to the Bundles page
Select the Organization Rules Bundle from the Active Bundles section
To Delete a Rule that is either Active or Disabled, simply click the toggle next to the Rule andselect Delete Org Rule
Select Delete to confirm the deletion of the rule
The delete action might take a few minutes to complete. Once completed, the Rule will be removed from the Organization Rules Bundle. If the Rule was in an Active State, you may see the Rule Status change from Active to Disabled before it is deleted.
The deleted Rule findings are archived immediately. The rule can be re-added to the Organization Rule Bundle by following the Add a Rule from the Catalog guide.
Delete a Rule From the Rules Page
Log in to the Stax Console
Navigate to the Rules page
Choose the vertical ellipsis (⋮) to the right of the rule you want to disable
Select Delete Org Rule
Select Delete to confirm the deletion of the rule
The delete action might take a few minutes to complete. Once completed, the Rule will be removed from the Organization Rules Bundle. If the Rule was in an Active State, you may see the Rule Status change from Active to Disabled before it is deleted.
The deleted Rule findings are archived immediately. The rule can be re-added to the Organization Rule Bundle by following the Add a Rule from the Catalog guide.
Delete a Rule From the Rules Detail Page
Removing a Rule that is a member of other Rule Bundles, will only ever remove it from the Organization Rule Bundle. Other Rule memberships will not be impacted by this action.
Log in to the Stax Console
Navigate to the Rules page
Select the Rule to view the Rule's details
Select the vertical ellipsis (⋮) to the right of the Rule Details page
Select Delete Org Rule
Select Delete to confirm the deletion of the rule
The delete action might take a few minutes to complete. Once completed, the Rule will be removed from the Organization Rules Bundle. If the Rule was in an Active State, you may see the Rule Status change from Active to Disabled before it is deleted.
The deleted Rule findings are archived immediately. The rule can be re-added to the Organization Rule Bundle by following the Add a Rule from the Catalog guide.