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Manage Account Types

Use Account Types to group your accounts and manage AWS access permissions. Account Types can be allocated to User Groups and AWS roles can be applied to these mappings. These settings can be managed from the Manage Account Types page.

Before You Begin

  • Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

  • You need to be an Admin for your Stax tenancy to manage Account Types

  • You need to have configured User Groups beforehand

  1. Log in to the Stax Console

  2. Click Identity in the left hand nav

  3. Click Account Types in the Identity menu

Create an Account Type

From the Account Types page:

  1. Click + Create account type
  2. Enter a Name for your new Account Type, then click Create account type


Edit an Account Type Name

From the Account Types page:

  1. Click the details button on the right side of the Account Type you wish to edit. This will open the Account Type details drawer

Screen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.02.14_pm.png 2. Click the edit icon at the top of the drawer. Screen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.02.33_pm.png 3. Click General Details 4. Input the new name then click Save

Move Accounts Between Account Types

From the Account Types page:

  1. Click the Move accounts button on the right side of the Account Type you wish to edit

Screen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.06.10_pm.png 2. Each account within the Account Type will now have a checkbox to the left of its name. Select the account or accounts you wish to move, then choose the new Account Type from the Move drop-down list Screen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.07.22_pm.png 3. Review the move and click Move accounts to confirm Screen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.07.43_pm.png

The update to the account(s) may take a few minutes to complete.

Edit AWS Access for an Account Type

  1. Click the details button on the right side of the Account Type you wish to edit. This will open the Account Type details drawer

Screen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.02.14_pm.png 2. Click the edit icon at the top of the drawer. Screen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.22.33_pm.png 3. Click Account Type AWS Access Screen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.24.44_pm.png 4. Select the roles that users can assume when accessing AWS accounts within this Account Type (see AWS Accessfor more detail on each role)Screen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.27.29_pm.png 5. Click Save

Delete an Account Type

In order to delete an Account Type, you must first:

  • Remove all attached Accounts

  • Remove all attached Policies

  • Remove any role mappings that exist within your Groups for this Account Type

From the Account Types page:

  1. Click the details button on the right side of the Account Type you wish to delete. This will open the Account Type details drawer.

Screen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.02.14_pm.png 2. Click the delete iconScreen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.29.15_pm.png 3. Click Yes, delete to confirmScreen_Shot_2023-03-24_at_4.30.06_pm.png