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Networking Hubs

The Stax Networking Hub forms the basis of a Stax Network. It manages the traffic and connectivity between AWS resources, AWS VPCs and external resources. A Stax Networking Hub deploys the below resources:

  • AWS Transit Gateway: A dedicated gateway for connecting your VPCs, on-premises data centers and other distributed networks.

  • Transit VPC: A Stax-built and managed VPC that provides centralized outbound access/egress to the internet with preconfigured secure routes. This VPC is called the Transit VPC.

  • Private Hosted Zones: An Amazon Route 53 hosted zone that enables Interface VPC Endpoints to be attached to the Stax Transit VPC, which are then shared across all VPCs within a Networking Hub.

Stax gives you the ability to configure egress and ingress services to enable or disable these additional resources:

  • AWS NAT Gateway: A gateway that allows resources in the private subnet of the Stax Transit VPC to connect to the internet or other AWS resources.

  • Internet Gateway: A VPC component that allows communication between your VPC and the internet.

Stax also allows you to optimize your networking solutions by enabling advanced features such as:

  • CloudWatch VPC Flow Logs: When enabled, your Stax Transit VPC flow logs are automatically saved to CloudWatch Log Groups in your Networking Hub's account.

  • ECMP support: Enable VPC ECMP support on your Stax Transit Gateway to perform ECMP routing for traffic between AWS and your on-premises network.