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Resolve an S3 Bucket Empty error

When using the Stax Cost & Compliance module, you may receive an error message stating S3 Bucket Empty: The S3 bucket your-billing-bucket does not contain the detailed billing report. This error means that the S3 bucket you've configured Stax to retrieve your billing reports from does not contain any billing reports.


This guidance assumes you're subscribed to only the Stax Cost & Compliance module. If your AWS accounts are Stax-managed, Stax takes care of this for you.

Resolve This Error

This error typically occurs for one of three reasons.

  1. You may have made a typing mistake, or given the wrong S3 bucket to us as your billing bucket. To fix this, go back in the account linking process and re-enter your S3 billing bucket name.

  2. Programmatic billing may not be turned on for your account. You’ll need to check if it is, and turn it on if it’s not.

  3. If you turned on programmatic billing less than 24 hours ago, the S3 bucket you named as your billing bucket might not have any reports in it yet. You’ll need to wait for up to 24 hours before AWS puts some data into the bucket, and then you can try to re-link your accounts.