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The Cost Dashboard

The Cost Dashboard page, within the Cost Module, allows for detailed inspection of both usage costs and financial cost of AWS consumption. The page can be filtered using global filters, and further refined by toggling Financial Mode on or off. When these settings are configured, all data on the Cost Dashboard page is updated to reflect them.

Tiles at the top of the page represent AWS costs for financial year to date, last month, the current month so far, as well as estimated costs for the current month and financial year.

The trend chart on the left-hand side of the page allows reviewing trends at a daily, weekly, or monthly resolution. If a budget is configured, and monthly is selected, Stax adds a line to the chart representing the burn-down of the annual budget.

The Changes in spend chart on the right-hand side allows comparing various spend perspectives: usage code (e.g. RDS Instance Usage), service (e.g. RDS), account, and region. The date pickers above this chart can be modified to choose the appropriate time periods to compare. This chart uses the same resolution as is selected for the trends chart on the left-hand side. Hovering over a row in the table shows options to Explore the data (on the Data page), or to provide a consolidated graph by choosing Visualize over time.

The Cost table allows for reviewing detailed comparisons of usage/financial costs for segments of a selected View. This allows for easy comparison of usage among segments across time periods of the last 14 days, last 30 days, this month, last month, last 12 months, this financial year, and last financial year. This data can be exported and processed as required in other systems by clicking the Download CSV button.