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Understanding Delays in Cost Data in Stax

There are two common reasons as to why cost data can appear delayed in Stax:

  1. AWS cost processing is performed in UTC time. This means that, depending on your location, your local time may be ahead of or behind the current UTC time. Since Stax displays data in your local time zone, the data for the current time may not yet be available.

  2. Costs represented in Stax are based on the AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CUR) that AWS generates. This report is generated at least once a day and up to three times daily, so delays of up to 24 hours can exist before Stax is able to process and display the data.

  3. Different AWS services provide usage data for a given hour or day at different times which results in staggered updates to the CUR.

Once Stax detects a new CUR, it processes the changes and updates the data represented in Stax. The larger and more complicated an environment, the longer this process can take.

If cost data is delayed for greater than 24 hours, raise a support case with the support team.

See Also

You can find more information about the AWS CUR and report timelines in the references below: